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DBM MS Logger Program
- database program for MS data loggers

data logger program


In one sentence:
Data acquisition from Comet MS data loggers to the PC database

Advantages of capturing data to database:

Data from data logger can be exported to database by means of MS logger program in three ways:

DBV Database Viewer enables among others:

Example: User frequently analyzes data from temperature and humidity channels from three data loggers. So user saves selected channels to set “temperature and humidity“. In the next comeback to this analysis user only uses proper set and selects time interval.

System expandability:

System Administration enables i.a.:

Hardware and software requirements

Installation and system preparation

MS Logger ProgramFree
MS Logger Program
MS Logger Program
MS Logger Program
Price freeware 124 EUR 160 EUR
Data download from data logger yes yes yes
Opening of record from file yes yes yes
Data export to dbf and xls formats yes yes yes
Data download with export to dbf format - yes yes
Data view in table yes yes yes
Fully settable graph - yes yes
Export of graph to pdf format - yes yes
Print of data table yes yes yes
Print of graph - yes yes
Selection of values for print from table - yes yes
Event logging/event viewing yes yes yes
Data logger configuration yes yes yes
Erasing of data logger memory yes yes yes
Invalidation of logger audio alarm indication yes yes yes
Reading of data logger configuration from file yes yes yes
Statistics yes yes yes
Setting of folder and file for data storing - yes yes
Alarm warnings in online Display mode - yes yes
Program security - users and passwords - yes yes
Autodownload - yes yes
Data export to SQL database - - yes
Data download with export to SQL database - - yes
Autodownload with data export to SQL dbase - - yes
Viewing of data in SQL database - - yes